Overflow, Part XV

Up for grabs is one $20 gift certificate for Blue Spruce Toolworks with an expiration date of December 31, 2013.


If you would like this $20 gift certificate, please leave a comment below by midnight of Friday, November 22. In your comment, tell me what you would do with the twenty bucks as well as at least one of the following:

  • an idea for an art piece like Art Frame where one part is usually the focal point, but the focus can be shifted to the less dominant part; or
  • why you have or have not placed a pre-order for an Anniversary Box.

I will then draw a winner at random. Even if you don’t get this item, remember that there is still much more I want to give away.

And if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my blog so you can be notified as soon as I post something new! Please tell your friends about my Overflow program.

Review the details of the Overflow program.


4 thoughts on “Overflow, Part XV

  1. blue spruce – maybe a tool roll?

    art piece idea – a friend of mine told me of his experience in a military professional school. There were constantly urging the students to see the “big picture”. By making the letter L with his right hand (four fingers up and the thumb at a right angle) he told me that this is the lower right hand corner of the “big picture”. A hand crafted version would be great!, It reminds me a bit of your “magic square” but is far more versatilve since it lets you look at anything in a new perspective.


    1. Hi Jim,

      Thanks for the idea. I like it and think that I can do something with it. You’re the winner. Shoot me your mailing address and I’ll send the gift certificate your way.


  2. Blue Spruce tool- probably a burnisher or maybe a marking knife

    An idea for an art piece, would be a table with its legs and apron the focal point, something like your table with a twist. There could a glass top or no top at all.

    Anniversary Box- I have not placed an order because it is very hard for a woodworker to buy woodworking products from someone else.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I like your idea of making certain components altogether “disappear”. That could be a really interesting route. One idea I have is to cast certain components in a clear resin and make the rest from wood.

      I used to feel the same about buying any woodwork. Now, I weigh the cost of the item against the time it will take to build and whether I actually want to build it. For example, I buy cabinets rather than build them. However, I don’t think I’d ever buy a hardwood cutting board.


I would be delighted if you left a comment!