Week Six of #Woodchat’s Picture Inspiration!

Start with a sketch, but make it quick. There’s real work to be done.
– Stefan Hartwing

(This quote has been added to my page Quotables, where you’ll find many more interesting quotes.)

For the past five weeks at #Woodchat on Air, we have been playing our new design game called #Woodchat’s Picture Inspiration. We looked at designs based on a photograph and discussed the creative process and explored potential variations. The discussions were recorded and posted on YouTube.

The first week, we started with a picture of shavings and came up with some really creative designs.

The second week, we examined a colourful scene from KaBoom! The Port Moody Art Explosion for inspiration.

In week three, we studied a photo of a metal bench that inspired a quilt rack built by Dyami Plotke.

The fourth week, our source of inspiration was a photo of an adjustable candle holder, that proved to be tougher to work with than we thought.

In week five, we looked at a photo of an art installation for inspiration.

That brings us to week six. For this week’s Picture Inspiration, our challenge is to design something inspired by this photo.

Jessica Anderson - Pattern Study 1
Inspiration photo: Jessica Anderson’s Pattern Study 1

Designs are due Wednesday May 28, 7pm (e-mail them to me, or share them with us on Twitter using hashtag #Woodchat), when they will be shared on #Woodchat.

#Woodchat on Air runs every Wednesday from 7-8pm, Pacific time.

I would be delighted if you left a comment!