Practice and Experimentation with Joinery

During Artwalk, I showed my work in Gallery Bistro (2411 Clarke Street) with three other artists:  Bronwen Belenkie, Clive Tucker and Mandara Lebovitz.  Our exhibition will continue through April 28th. The gallery is open 10am-3pm Tuesday through Sunday. Last week, I spent three days at Lee Valley Tools Ltd. demonstrating joinery techniques.  I took the opportunity to hone my skills and … Continue reading Practice and Experimentation with Joinery

Secret Carpentry by Maskull Lasserre

Artist Name:  Maskull Lasserre Title:  Secret Carpentry Details:  circa 2011 - 26" x 6" x 2" Why It's Notable: An axe, to most people, is an unremarkable object - just an axe.  However, if you take any item and embellish it, it becomes more distinct and meaningful.  This piece reminds me that anything has the potential to … Continue reading Secret Carpentry by Maskull Lasserre